Portable Restrooms for Television and Recording Studios

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If you’ve ever been behind the scenes of a movie or television production, you know every detail matters. The fast pace of each aspect hinges on making sure the comfort and needs of the cast and crew are taken care of. From set design to lighting, wardrobe to makeup, seamless coordination is the key to success.

This is where we step in.

We offer a range of portable toilet solutions which go beyond the standard porta-potty. Whatever your needs, we’ve got you covered with choices between our portable restrooms and luxury restroom trailers to provide the perfect facilities for your production needs.

Quality Restrooms Don’t Have to Be a Big Production

For a film crew working in a remote location filming the next blockbuster or a music artist with their crew filming a video, everyone has some basic needs.

When nature calls, it’s important to have facilities which are convenient. What could be more convenient than portable restrooms?

Equipped with all the essentials, our units are not just functional but also designed for comfort. With spacious interiors, hand sanitizer dispensers, and proper ventilation, everyone on set is ensured a more pleasant and hygienic experience.

Portable Restroom and Washing Station Options

Portable Restrooms

Depending on the portable restroom you choose, you’ll notice each has a comfy, well-ventilated interior with a solar-powered LED that is motion-activated.

You’ll find units with a coat hook, a corner shelf, and a mirror. Ask about our ADA-compliant units that are handicapped accessible.

Luxury Restroom Trailers

Unlike standard portable restrooms, which are perfect for quick breaks, a luxury restroom trailer has the advantage of adding a touch of sophistication to your production experience.

We offer standard and luxury restroom trailers with the capacity to accommodate 225 to 300 people.

Beautifully designed, the luxury restroom trailer is air-conditioned with spacious stalls, elegant sinks, and full-length mirrors.

When you have VIPs or high-profile actors who are accustomed to the best, you’ll want to have the capability to provide them privacy and a luxurious experience.

Small touches like this can often have a significant impact on the overall satisfaction and productivity of your cast and crew.

Our Tailored Solutions

Since every film or television product is unique, we offer flexible solutions to meet the specific needs of your project. Our team will work with you to determine your needs, whether you’re filming in a remote outdoor location or within a bustling city center.

Together, we’ll help find the best combination of portable restrooms and luxury restroom trailers to make sure you’re providing the facilities to match the scale and requirements of your production, as well as duration of time you require them.

If aesthetics are an issue, we can provide hitch coverings and external decorations to make our luxury trailers less noticeable. They can also be furnished to create a more friendly and comfortable atmosphere inside.

Water and Power Hookups? No Problem

If you’re in a location without water or power for our portable restroom trailers, no problem. They are outfitted with both, including the ability to provide heated water. If hookups are not available, we can provide them as necessary.

It’s a Wrap!

In the world of film and television production, where every detail makes an impact, choosing the right portable restroom solution matters. Whether you don’t have restroom facilities on set or find you require additional facilities, we can meet your needs.

Our team is dedicated to providing the comfort, convenience, and luxury the entertainment industry demands.

From portable restrooms to luxury restroom trailers, we have the perfect facilities to ensure that your production runs smoothly and that everyone on set, from the crew to VIPs, can focus on bringing your creative vision to life.